Related Careers

Related Occupation

Stable Isotope Biochemist 

       This related career looks at and analyzes stable isotopes in things such as plant and animal tissues, water, atmospheric gasses, and soils. You will partcipate and gather information in experiments that deal and relate to isotopic composition within nature along with their relative abundances. This information will be gathered by the technology and techniques that correspond with isotope ratio mass spectrometry.

Education Requirements 

         Education requirements for a position like this includes a PhD in earth science, chemistry, or experience in the analysis of isotopes and organic geochemistry. Experience in the use of mass spectrometers is also needed and the average the salary of a position like this is between 50-60 thousand dollars a year.


The following institutions provide programs that will allow you to expand the knowledge you possess   within the required fields:

  • Carlton University, Chemistry Department 
  • McMaster University, Biochemistry Department 
  • York University, Department of earth and space science 

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